Methods for Improving Your Work-Life Balance
Finding a healthy work life balance can be hard.
Here are some tips to help improve you work life balance while on an assignment.
Many healthcare workers consider their job their second home, and it’s great to feel at home while working, but you might often feel like it’s your only home. By creating a healthy balance between work and social life, you can prevent burnout and ultimately achieve a healthier relationship with your profession.
While you may be counting down the minutes until you can take a nap after work, try filling in some of your free time with things you enjoy doing to find balance in your life.
Although you may feel like it’s finally time to open your phone and scroll through social media after work, try putting electronics aside and simply relax. Use this time immediately after work to unwind and enjoy some peace and quiet. Alternatively, depending on when you work, try ‘unplugging’ an hour before bed. Reflect on your day and what went well, rather than thinking about how soon your next shift is.
Exercise and Meditation
I’m sure exercising may not be everyone’s cup of tea, however, exercise is proven to relieve stress and pump your body with feel-good endorphins. Whether it\’s pumping some iron, or just a quick walk around the block, try to incorporate some sort of physical activity into your schedule. On the other hand, meditation has proven to produce the same results. If you find yourself unable to sit in silence for whatever reason, try researching different methods of meditation to find one that suites you best. Whether it’s after work or before, refreshing your mind is a necessity.
Change your routine
As I mentioned before, many healthcare workers feel like they literally live at the hospital; Go to work, come home, eat, sleep, repeat. Following this routine everyday will inevitably lead to burn out, and the best method to combat this is to add variety into your schedule. Try waking up at a different time to squeeze in a workout, or to take an extra 30 minutes in the morning to watch TV. Fill in your free time outside of work with new things to keep you entertained and motivated.
Take a Break
Finally, and most importantly, take a break. Contrary to what was mentioned in the opening paragraph, take that nap. Don’t be afraid to set boundaries when it comes to your work schedule. Those extra hours on the holidays may seem tempting (holiday pay woop-woop!), but it’s indefinitely more important to let yourself rest. A fresh mind and body allow you to perform to the best of your ability, and your patients are depending on that. Use your PTO, or even ask for a weekend off for some much needed ‘me-time’.
Finding the perfect work like balance.
Creating a healthy balance between work and your social life can often be overlooked, as many people believe that once they’ve finally worked enough, they’ll be able to socialize. It’s important to realize that even though your schedule may seem busy, there should always be.
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