Extending Your Travel Assignment
Having the opportunity to travel and work at different facilities across the United States is one of the many perks of being a Medical Traveler.
You’re offered new opportunities routinely depending on your assignment length, and the various facilities that you encounter allow you to compare and contrast between them.
Eventually, you might find yourself very content with the facility you’re working at, or the town you live in; this is great news! By working with your recruiter, you can extend the length of your travel assignment based on the facility’s current needs and opportunities.
What does a Travel Extension Entail?
Extending your travel assignment is a very simple process. A second contract is used to update the length of your current contract.
Typically the length is the same as your first assignment, however, this can vary based on staffing needs, facility policy, or by your own discretion. There is a multitude of reasons that you might consider extending your assignment, such as the pay, the location, or maybe you have a special someone.
Keep in mind that there is also an indefinite length that your assignment can last. The IRS regulates temporary work assignments away from home to last no longer than one fiscal year. Either way, meet with your recruiter early to ensure that you can apply for the position once you’ve made your decision.
Things to consider
Once you’ve found yourself in a situation that offers a travel extension, take some time to consider a few things before you lock in your answer.
First and foremost, are you happy with your compensation? If money is a persuasive factor for you, meet with your recruiter and search for opportunities that you may find more appealing. New positions open nearly every day! Sometimes, you might also receive further benefits by extending your contract based on the facility\’s regulations.
Secondly, is the location ideal? Maybe you’ve already decided that you want to extend your contract based on the compensation, but keep in mind your current living situation and if this will be able to support you physically and mentally for another period of time. New locations and cities can be both stressful, yet very eye-opening so it’s important to find a place that feels like home to you.

Pull The Trigger
As a Medical Traveler, there are not many ‘cons’ to extending your assignment. It allows you to gain more control over your environment and it creates a sense of familiarity, often a blessing, after years of changing locations.
Throughout your career, you are able to experience a wide variety of healthcare standards, policies, settings, etc. Be sure to give yourself this chance to explore multiple locations in order to find which one suits you best. But if/when the time comes to extend your assignment, keep all of these things in mind as you create your medical career.